Four Trends In Commercial Lighting


Commercial lighting is becoming more interactive. New developments in lighting technology are making it easier than ever to mix and match shades and dimming systems. Commercial lighting options are more customisable than ever before and can be programmed to meet a variety of needs.

Here are four trends in commercial lighting that you can expect to see within the coming years:

1. Commercial Lighting Trend One: Automated Lighting

Automated lighting controls are quickly becoming a popular option for commercial buildings. In addition to saving energy, automated lights make your workspace safer by keeping the lights on when employees leave their desks or offices at night, or when they take breaks. If you rely on timers, these can be unreliable and cause your lights to turn off while employees are still in the building.

2. Commercial Lighting Trend Two: Mood Lighting

LED bulbs are slowly starting to replace incandescent bulbs because they can save more energy but they also provide a better quality of light than incandescent bulbs and fluorescent bulbs. LED bulbs come in a variety of shades, so you can control how much light your workspace receives at any given moment. A dimmer setting provides softer lighting for workplaces with lots of computer screens, whereas bright light is necessary for offices with less computer use, like conference rooms or meeting spaces.

3. Commercial Lighting Trend Three: Energy Efficient Lighting

One of the biggest trends in commercial lighting right now is energy-efficient lighting. More and more people are switching over to energy-efficient lighting because it helps them to save money on their electric bills and reduce their impact on the environment. For example, you could use energy-saving light bulbs or install solar panels on top of your building in order to save money. You can also consider installing motion sensor lights so that they only turn on when someone is actually in the room, which will help save energy.

4. Commercial Lighting Trend Four: Indoor/Outdoor Integration

Creating a flow from indoor to outdoor spaces is one of the biggest trends in commercial lighting today. This can be accomplished by selecting a similar style of light fixture for both indoor and outdoor areas or by choosing lights with identical finishes. The result is a seamless transition that looks great and conserves energy by eliminating too much lighting.

When it comes to lighting for your commercial space, there are a lot of options. However, it's not enough to have options; you want the right options. This means using lighting that is up-to-date, energy-efficient, and cost-effective. These four trends in commercial lighting will help your office look modern and inviting. For more information on commercial lighting, contact a local company.  


15 April 2022

Switch Onto Electrical Safety: Electricians And Their Work

Heya. I’m Jim. I am an electrical assistant in an open cut mine. I help keep generators maintained and operating, and ensure that electrical installations are safe. I work with extremely high voltages, so safety is a priority. I was an assistant for a household electrical contractor. Whilst it is more exciting to work with industrial electricians, being a general electrical assistant had its moments. Once, when working in a roof cavity, I was bitten by a rat! Friends and family often ask me to do electrical jobs and I worry about their ignorance when it comes to electrical installation and the importance of hiring a qualified professional. There are some jobs I simply won’t touch because I lack the expertise. I hope this blog makes people aware of the types of electrical work and general care which must be taken when working around electricity. Please read and stay safe!